Monday, September 29, 2008

EDM 310 Class - Week of 9/29 and 10/1

Monday 9/29

We will work with Foliotek and upload some of our requirements.

Wednesday 10/1

We will have a guest speaker, Mr. Steve Sullivan, presenting and discussing accessibility issues from the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind (AIDB).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

9/24 - EDM 310 Class

I want to thank everyone for their understanding on Monday 9/22.

Today we will discuss the following

1. The presentations
2. ALEX - The Alabama Learning Exchange
3. The Google Article

There will be nothing due for next Monday 9/29. But, if you have not completed an assignment please get it done by Monday 9/29. We will begin new material then. Have a great weekend.

By the way, ROLL TIDE! : )

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9/17 - EDM 310 Class Activities

Today, we will finish giving our presentations.

Assignments due by Monday 9/22

1. ALEX Blog
2. Google Thinking Blog
3. Post comments to all other classmates blogs about their presentations

Monday, September 15, 2008

Google Presentations 9/15 and 9/17

We will be doing our Google Presentations this week. Half the class will go on Monday and the other half will go on Wednesday.

The assignment for this weeks blogs is to post a comment on all 20 of your classmates blogs about something that you have in common with them, something that interests you, or just something general that you liked about their presentation or its content. On Monday, post ONLY to your classmates who have given their presentations in class. On Wednesday, post to the rest of your classmates. Everyone should have a comment from their peers by Monday the 22nd. Let's keep the comments positive and constructive at all times.

Mr. Tashbin

Monday, September 8, 2008

Project 3 - IGoogle

Project Three – iGoogle

For this assignment you will create/update your iGoogle home page.

I will come around and look at each of your IGoogle pages in class due to the fact that it is based on your private password.

Project 2 - Criteria for Google Presentation

Project 2

You will learn how to use Google Documents (Presentation) to create a presentation about YOU! You will develop a presentation of moderate complexity for presentation in class during Week 4 (September 15 and 17).

Meets standard ATQS (3)(c) 1.(iii); (3)(c) 4.(i); (3)(c) 4.(ii)

The subject of your presentation will be YOU. Who are you? What are your interests? What do you do? Who are members of your family? What are your likes? Dislikes? adventures? aspirations? pets? favorite movies, songs or places? education? reasons for becoming a teacher? etc. The presentation must contain at least 12 slides about you and 1 title slide and 1 conclusion/wrap-up slide. It must also include at least eleven or more photographs or graphics (not exceeding two graphics). Since it is a presentation, emphasis will be on limiting the use of aspects of presentation software that are more suited to stand alone presentations or multimedia “events”. You will be required to make a FORMAL presentation. Your audience will evaluate you using instruments that will be provided to you in advance. This presentation is due in Week 4 (September 15 and 17)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I am posting the blog assignments that will be due on 9/10 and 9/15 early so that you can begin to look at them at your leisure. On Monday, we will talk more about these blog assignments as well as fully define the criteria for you Google Presentation about yourself. I appreciate everyone's patience and thank you for bearing with us this semester.

Here are the blog assignments that will be doing and their due dates.


Review the current and emerging state initiatives and programs including, but not limited to, Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) and the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS) program and their relationship to student achievement.

1. Research on the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students
Statewide (ACCESS) program

Due by Wednesday September 10 [ATQS (5)(c) 3.(i)]: Search the web for information about the Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS) program. In addition, go to:
Thoroughly review this entire site.

Download and review the PowerPoint presentation available at:
(The link is called ACCESS Presentation (ppt))

For the blog post due Wednesday September 10th, write two or more paragraphs in which you describe ACCESS and the resources available to teachers well enough so that someone unfamiliar with ACCESS would understand what it is and how it works. Then provide the reader with your thoughts as to the usefulness of ACCESS to you when you begin teaching.

2. Research on the Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX)

Due by Monday September 15 [ATQS (5)(c) 3.(i)]:
Start by doing a search in Google. Examine the material that is available at Read the materials provided.

For the blog post due Monday September 15th, write two or more paragraphs in which you describe ALEX and the resources available to teachers well enough so that someone unfamiliar with ALEX would understand what it is and how it works. Then provide the reader with your thoughts as to the usefulness of ALEX to you when you begin teaching.